Textiles are a huge part of our everyday lives, they surround us everywhere.
I, Ariel, am a weaver and fiber artist that started my independent studies of woven textiles in the year 2021, while living in a small town in Alaska.
Beginning with a small 15 inch rigid heddle loom in my living room, my love for the art of weaving quickly evolved, as did the assortment of weaving and fiber arts tools I chose to work with.
Today, I create my pieces and continue my studies utilizing a variety of different weaving techniques, such as tablet weaving, backstrap weaving, rigid heddle weaving, Saori, lucet fork, and more recently Swedish style weaving on the floor loom. Exploring different ways to approach creating woven fiber and the variety of methods that can be used is one of my passions and great motivators.
In my process, I prefer to work with natural fibers like wool, cotton, hemp, nettle and silk.